Common Sea Good, what you can do for it
I want to address myself to all sea lovers, even to those who, by under-information, haven’t yet noticed that they should be .
Really, you need to cherish the sea, as it is our last chance to survive on this planet, to produce enough food for all of us and so to be able to live in peace.
- If you are a scientist, an oceanographer or a marine biologist, tell me please if something is wrong or incomplete in my reasoning.
- If you are a biochemist, you can tell me your opinion about shells’ biomineralization being a carbon sink or a carbon source.
- If you are a lawyer or a jurist, you can tell me what is the best provisory national status I need, and brainstorm about an international high seas one, to rule the next future.
- If you know about publications on phytoplankton nutriments, mussel diet, their interactions, their physical needs, you can send them to me.
- If you are a cartoonist, you can send me some drawings to decorate my writtings.
- If you are a web designer, you can give me some advice on how to improve this site in an easier-to-read version.
- If you are a marketing man or woman, you can manage an image improvement to companies who want to involve themselves and get the word out.
- If you are an engineer, you can start imagine the farming, the harvesting and the transformation for distribution. I have also some ideas.
- If you guess that English is neither my mother language, nor my usual language, you are right and your help will not hurt me, .
- If you think that it’s just nonsense, please let me know why.
- If you are a CLCS personality involved in the Brazil EEZ extension, you can think about my proposal.
- If you are on the head of one of the 193 nations less 2, you can offer me your nationality to be with.
- If you are Alf-Helge Aarskog or another GSI-member, you can manage it.
- If you are Yann Arthus-Bertrand, you can relay my enthusiasm.
- If you are Jacques Rougerie, you can draw up the plans for a static SeaOrbiter, .
- If you are Prince Albert II of Monaco, you can help me building a second rock.
- If you are Agnes Troublé, you can program one of the next Tara expeditions around Davis Bank.
- If you are Bob Dudley or Patrick Pouyanné, you can provide a floating platform to start staying in place.
- If you are Richard Branson, you can provide a flotilla of your virgin oceanic subs to oversee the operations.
- If you are Amyne Ismail, you are surely interested in such a good feed for your good shrimps.
- If you are Bris Rocher, you have to take this opportunity for your cosmetics.
- If you are an open minded Emir, you can certainly do better than build palm islands or finance foreign soccer teams.
- If you are Ted Turner or another mature billionaire, you can become pleased to fund this global project.
- If you are James Cameron and my wild imaginings inspire you for a premonitory movie, please talk to me first! .
- If you are Leonardo DiCaprio, you can embrace a cause that matches your goals.
- If you are Barack Obama you can open all the key doors for this wonderful project.
- If you are António Guterres, you should consider establishing a supranational governance structure for this resource.
So now, if you know anyone capable of putting a billion dollars on the table, without any hope of a return on investment until the world’s population is nourished properly and the oceans have regained their biological balance, tell him about my idea .
I am convinced that this project will be realized one day, because it simply makes too much sense.
If you have read it all, you can Contact me. If not, you start again from the Beginning.